Barry, South Wales
Until 120 years ago, the area now covered by the town of Barry was relatively undisturbed by human activity.
Admittedly, there had been people present over every period of history, but it was not until the late Victorian
era that the transformation took place that made Barry what it became in its heyday.
Barry has a geological past which is on view in the rocks which are visible on the coastal walk from the
Bendricks to Porthkerry in a fascinating display. These events did not only take place in Barry, of course.

The major Victorian influence was the importance of coal and iron, which lead to the development of the docks in
the 1880's and the town until the end of the Second World War.
Barry languished on past glories for the best part of the next 50 years, since when there have been several
large housing projects, making Barry appear more and more to be a suburb of Cardiff.
One of the prettiest of these developments, is the housing estate on the "Waterfront" - the docks, where Barry
first 'took off'.
by +Owen Jones